bochs-announce mailing list

Bochs-announce is a moderated, low-traffic list which carries only periodic announcements of Bochs releases and important events. If you have a very important and truly relevant Bochs announcement, you can try posting it to bochs-announce, but the moderator will have to approve it before it will go out. On average, bochs-announce subscribers get one or two messages per month. There are about 75 subscribers. Anyone may join the list.

To subscribe, go to the Bochs-Announce Info Page and type your email address and a password into the web form and click Subscribe. In a few minutes you will get a confirmation email. Follow the directions in the email to complete the subscription process. To unsubscribe, go to the same page and type your email address in the blank at the bottom and click on Edit Options. Then type your password and click Unsubscribe.

There is no need to subscribe to both lists, because all bochs-announce messages are forwarded to the developers list. If you subscribe to both, you will get 2 copies of every announcement.

Archive of bochs-announce messages